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  • Writer's pictureMichael McClanahan

Do Not Let the Environment Become Your Enemy

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

How many times do we let the weight of the situation influence our decision and somehow find a way to prevent moving forward and dashes our chances to succeed? Typically this arises from building up creative energy and excitement up front, while actively overthinking and giving the environment around us too much credibility on how to bring our dream alive. It is ironic how ideas always seem to crystallize easier when sitting on the beach gazing at the sunset or sitting in bed at and have the pieces fall together seamlessly. Suddenly when the alarm goes off at 7am and reality sets in those brilliant and ordered ideas are shared with others, the vibrant dream becomes at best a fragmented, monochrome 5000 piece jigsaw puzzle on a wobbly table.

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What came upon as inspiration and a future opportunity now has been overridden by common sense and ‘rational thinking’. Carl Jung, founder of analytical psychology, once said “When you are up against a wall, put down roots like a tree, until clarity comes from deeper sources to see over that wall and grow.” In other words, do not let the things around you influence and shape your ability to make your dream become a reality. Recognize the desire has been planted in the heart and it is ready to flourish with the proper care and planning. Call the dream into existence and believe in it! There is a reason why that desire is planted in your heart and waiting to be nurtured and given life through sound decision making. Do not let anyone or anything get in the way of making it become a reality. not let the things around you influence and shape your ability to make your dream become a reality.

PCBDreamer understands inspiration and the motivation to fulfill one’s dream is not easy, but recognizes through coaching, analytics, and objective evaluation will help bring the business owner’s website and digital agenda plans into a reality. Instead of why, it is why not! The conversation becomes what, when, and how can it happen. It is not about aimlessly looking for the silver bullet, or the proverbial needle in the haystack. It is about taking these fleeting thoughts captive and aligning them in place to build a solid foundation to infuse the digital dream into a viable and innovative digital fingerprint for the business. Even if an initial plan has been created, or a failed attempt with a previous website has occurred, we are eager to create a digital plan that leads to success.

Jung also said, “Thinking is difficult, and that’s why most people judge.” PCBDreamer is about employing the use of systems thinking and satisfying the business owner’s expectations. Many times looking outside of the box for creative and proven ideas to iterate and complete the vision of the business owner digitally is the true source of inspiration. We are motivated through client fulfillment and not money! Our commitment is to roll up our sleeves and work through all of the potential impediments and find innovative and creative ways to work through the challenges and bring the dream to life. We will not finish until the business owner’s tree bears fruit and a solid footing is in the ground to prevent the environment and elements from knocking it over.

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